Alexander Chigrik
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Introduction In this article, I want to tell you about some useful undocumented DBCC commands, and how you can use these commands in SQL Server 6.5 for administering and monitoring.
DBCC is an abbreviation for Database Console Command. DBCC commands are generally used to check the physical and logical consistency of a database, although they are also used for a variety of miscellaneous tasks, as you will see here.
Note, the command:
is issued before each of the following DBCC examples in order to better demonstrate the effects of the command by displaying a trace of the output of the DBCC command. It is not actually required to run the DBCC commands examined below. If you run any of the DBCC commands below without the above option, the command runs, but you don't see what it is doing.
Undocumented DBCC commands
Here you can find some useful SQL Server 6.5 undocumented DBCC commands.
DBCC allocdump
This command can be used to display all the extents on an allocation page.
DBCC allocdump( dbid, page )
dbid - is the database id page - is the allocation page number
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DECLARE @dbid int, @pageid int SELECT @dbid = DB_ID('pubs') SELECT @pageid = first FROM sysindexes WHERE id = object_id('titleauthor') AND indid = 1 DBCC allocdump(@dbid, @pageid)
DBCC bhash
This command can check the integrity of the buffer hash table, and optionally print it.
DBCC bhash( { print_bufs | no_print }, bucket_limit )
print_bufs - display all buffers (default) no_print - display only buffers with problems bucket_limit - number of buffers allowed in a bucket (default = 0)
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DBCC bhash
DBCC buffer
This command can be used to display buffer headers and pages from the buffer cache.
DBCC buffer([dbid|dbname][,objid|objname][,nbufs], printopt = {0|1|2},buftype)
dbid|dbname - database name or database ID (0 will show data for all databases) objid|objname - object ID or object name (0 will show data for all objects) nbufs - number of buffers to examine printopt - print option 0 print out only the buffer header and page header (default) 1 print out each row separately and the offset table 2 print out each row as a whole and the offset table buftype - buffer type to print
DBCC TRACEON (3604) dbcc buffer(0,'sysobjects')
DBCC bytes
This command can be used to dump out bytes from a specific address.
DBCC bytes( startaddress, length )
startaddress - starting address to dump length - number of bytes to dump
DBCC TRACEON (3604) dbcc bytes (1000000, 100)
Displays DBINFO structure for the specified database.
DBCC DBINFO [( dbname )]
dbname - is the database name.
This command displays the contents of the DBTABLE structure.
DBCC DBTABLE ({dbid|dbname})
dbid|dbname - database name or database ID
The DBTABLE structure has an output parameter called dbt_open. This parameter keeps track of how many users are in the database.
Look at here for more details:
FIX: Database Usage Count Does Not Return to Zero
DBCC delete_row
This command can be used to delete an index or data row, by either a row number or an offset on a page. DBCC delete_row is a nonlogged command, so you can delete a particular row without placed it into the transaction log. Use this command at your own risk!
DBCC delete_row ( dbid|dbname, page, delete_by_row, rownum )
dbid|dbname - database ID or database name page - logical page number delete_by_row - how delete: by row or by offset (1 - the next parameter is row number) (0 - the next parameter is offset on the page) rownum - row number or offset
SET NOCOUNT ON GO USE pubs GO DBCC TRACEON (3604) GO DECLARE @pgid int SELECT COUNT(*) FROM titleauthor SELECT @pgid = first FROM sysindexes WHERE id = object_id('titleauthor') AND indid = 1 SELECT xactid AS TRAN_ID, op AS LOG_RECORD FROM syslogs DBCC delete_row (pubs, @pgid, 'row', 1) SELECT xactid AS TRAN_ID, op AS LOG_RECORD FROM syslogs SELECT COUNT(*) FROM titleauthor
DBCC des
This command used to print the contents of the specified DES (descriptor).
DBCC des( [ dbid|dbname ][, objid ] )
dbid|dbname - database ID or database name objid - object ID
DBCC extentchain
This command displays extent header info for all extents in use by the specified object.
DBCC extentchain(dbid,objid,indexid,sort={1|0},display={1|0} [,order={1|0}])
dbid - database ID objid - object ID indexid - index ID sort - report on state of the sort bit (0 don't include this info) (1 do report on sort bit status) display - what to report (0 display the count only) (1 display the extents) order - (optional) order to follow the chain (0 descending, 1 ascending)
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DECLARE @dbid int, @objectid int SELECT @dbid = DB_ID('pubs') SELECT @objectid = object_id('authors') dbcc extentchain(@dbid,@objectid,0,0,0,0)
DBCC extentcheck
This command has the same output as extentchain, and examines all extents on allocation pages for the specified object.
DBCC extentcheck( dbid, objid, indexid, sort = {1|0} )
dbid - database ID objid - object ID indexid - index ID sort - state of the sort bit (0 don't report this, 1 report sort bit status)
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DECLARE @dbid int, @objectid int SELECT @dbid = DB_ID('pubs') SELECT @objectid = object_id('authors') dbcc extentcheck(@dbid,@objectid,0,1)
DBCC extentdump
This command displays an extent dump.
DBCC extentdump( dbid, page )
dbid - database ID page - the number of a page controlled by the extent in question
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DECLARE @dbid int SELECT @dbid = DB_ID('pubs') DBCC extentdump(@dbid, 1)
DBCC extentzap
This command can be used to clear all extents matching the parameter values.
DBCC extentzap( dbid, objid, indexid, sort )
dbid - database ID objid - object ID indexid - index ID sort - state of the sort bit
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DECLARE @dbid int, @objectid int SELECT @dbid = DB_ID('pubs') SELECT @objectid = object_id('authors') DBCC extentzap(@dbid,@objectid,0,0)
DBCC findnotfullextents
This command shows the extent id of extents allocated to the specified objid that are not full. If the objid is specified, then an indexid can be specified. If objid is all, then all database tables are displayed.
DBCC findnotfullextents( dbid,objid,indexid, sort = {1|0} )
dbid - database ID objid - object ID indexid - index ID sort - state of the sort bit
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DECLARE @dbid int, @objectid int SELECT @dbid = DB_ID('pubs') SELECT @objectid = object_id('authors') DBCC findnotfullextents(@dbid,@objectid,0,0)
DBCC HELP returns syntax information for the specified DBCC statement.
DBCC HELP ('dbcc_statement' | @dbcc_statement_var | '?')
This is the example:
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DECLARE @dbcc_stmt sysname SELECT @dbcc_stmt = 'CHECKTABLE' DBCC HELP (@dbcc_stmt)
DBCC ind
Shows all pages in use by indexes of the specified table name.
DBCC ind( dbid|dbname, objid, printopt = { 0 | 1 | 2 } )
dbid|dbname - database ID or database name objid - object ID printopt - print option (0 print out only the buffer header and page header (default) 1 print page headers, page data in row format, and offset tables 2 print page headers, unformatted page data, and offset tables)
DBCC TRACEON (3604) declare @obid int SELECT @obid = object_id('authors') DBCC ind (pubs, @obid, 1)
DBCC locateindexpgs
This command prints all references in the index to the specified page.
DBCC locateindexpgs( dbid, objid, page, indexid, level )
dbid - database ID objid - object ID page - logical page number of the page for which index references are being searched indexid - index ID level - level within the index to search for references
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DECLARE @dbid int, @objectid int SELECT @dbid = DB_ID('pubs') SELECT @objectid = object_id('authors') DBCC locateindexpgs(@dbid,@objectid,1,1,0)
DBCC lock
This command can be used to display lock chains.
DBCC lock
DBCC log
This command is used to view the transaction log for the specified database.
DBCC log ( {dbid|dbname}, [, type={0|1|2|3|4}] )
PARAMETERS: Dbid or dbname - Enter either the dbid or the name of the database in question.
type - is the type of output:
0 - minimum information (operation, context, transaction id)
1 - more information (plus flags, tags, row length)
2 - very detailed information (plus object name, index name, page id, slot id)
3 - full information about each operation
4 - full information about each operation plus hexadecimal dump of the current transaction log's row.
by default type = 0
To view the transaction log for the master database, you can run the following command:
DBCC log (master)
You can use this command to view the data page structure.
DBCC PAGE ({dbid|dbname}, pagenum [,print option] [,cache] [,logical])
PARAMETERS: Dbid or dbname - Enter either the dbid or the name of the database in question.
Pagenum - Enter the page number of the SQL Server page that is to be examined.
Print option - (Optional) Print option can be either 0, 1, or 2.
0 - (Default) This option causes DBCC PAGE to print out only the page header information. 1 - This option causes DBCC PAGE to print out the page header information, each row of information from the page, and the page's offset table. Each of the rows printed out will be separated from each other. 2 - This option is the same as option 1, except it prints the page rows as a single block of information rather than separating the individual rows. The offset and header will also be displayed.
Cache - (Optional) This parameter allows either a 1 or a 0 to be entered. 0 - This option causes DBCC PAGE to retrieve the page number from disk rather than checking to see if it is in cache. 1 - (Default) This option takes the page from cache if it is in cache rather than getting it from disk only.
Logical - (Optional) This parameter is for use if the page number that is to be retrieved is a virtual page rather then a logical page. It can be either 0 or 1.
0 - If the page is to be a virtual page number. 1 - (Default) If the page is the logical page number.
In this example, one data page is viewed from the titleauthor table in the pubs database.
USE pubs GO DBCC TRACEON (3604) GO DECLARE @pgid int SELECT @pgid = first FROM sysindexes WHERE id = object_id('titleauthor') AND indid = 1 DBCC PAGE (pubs, @pgid, 1) GO
This is the result from my computer:
DATA: Offset 32 - 011e9820: 04042000 3137322d 33322d31 31373650 .. .172-32-1176P 011e9830: 53333333 33016400 0000051a 16150f04 S3333.d......... ...
Look at here for more details:
Data page structure in MS SQL 6.5
DBCC pglinkage
This command can be used to display the page chain, performing integrity checks during traversal.
DBCC pglinkage(dbid,start,number,printopt={0|1|2},target,order={1|0})
dbid - database ID start - page number with which to start number - number of pages to examine, or 0 if target is specified printopt - print option (0 display only the count of pages scanned 1 display information about the last 16 pages scanned 2 display all page numbers in the scan) target - the particular page we are looking for order - traversal order (0 descending, 1 ascending)
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DBCC pglinkage(6,26,0,1,0,1)
DBCC procbuf
This command displays procedure buffer headers and stored procedure headers from the procedure cache.
DBCC procbuf( [dbid], [objid], [nbufs], [printopt = {0|1}] )
dbid - database ID objid - object ID nbufs - number of buffers to print printopt - print option (0 print out only the proc buff and proc header (default) 1 print out proc buff, proc header and contents of buffer)
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DECLARE @dbid int, @objectid int SELECT @dbid = DB_ID('master') SELECT @objectid = object_id('sp_help') DBCC procbuf(@dbid,@objectid,1,0)
DBCC prtipage
This command prints the page number pointed to by each row on the specified index page.
DBCC prtipage( dbid, objid, indexid, indexpage )
dbid - database ID objid - object ID indexid - index ID indexpage - the logical page number of the index page to dump
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DECLARE @dbid int, @objectid int SELECT @dbid = DB_ID('pubs') SELECT @objectid = object_id('authors') DBCC prtipage(@dbid,@objectid,1,0)
DBCC pss
This command shows info about processes currently connected to the server.
DBCC pss( suid, spid, printopt = { 1 | 0 } )
suid - server user ID spid - server process ID printopt - print option (0 standard output, 1 all open DES's and current sequence tree)
DBCC TRACEON (3604) dbcc pss
DBCC rebuildextents
DBCC rebuildextents rebuilds an object's extent chain. You should set the READ ONLY option for your database, before you run this command.
DBCC rebuildextents( dbid, objid, indexid )
dbid - database ID objid - object ID indexid - index ID
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DECLARE @dbid int, @objectid int SELECT @dbid = DB_ID('pubs') SELECT @objectid = object_id('authors') DBCC rebuildextents(@dbid,@objectid,1)
DBCC resource
This command shows the server's level RESOURCE, PERFMON and DS_CONFIG information. RESOURCE shows addresses of various data structures used by the server. PERFMON structure contains master..spt_monitor field info. DS_CONFIG structure contains master..syscurconfigs field information.
DBCC resource
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DBCC resource
DBCC show_bucket
This command shows hash bucket information for the specified pageid.
DBCC show_bucket( dbid|dbname, pageid, lookup_type )
dbid|dbname - database ID or database name page - logical page number of page being looked for lookup_type - how to conduct search (1 use hash algorithm to look in the bucket the page should be in 2 scan the entire buffer cache)
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DBCC show_bucket (pubs, 1, 1)
You can use the following undocumented command to view the data pages structure (in comparison with DBCC PAGE, this command will return information about all data pages for viewed table, not only for particular number):
DBCC tab (dbname, objname, printopt={ 0 | 1 | 2 })
dbname - is the database name, objname - is the table name, printopt - is the type of the output:
0 - minimum information (only the pages headers, the total number of data pages in this table and the total number of data rows in this table)
1 - more information (plus full rows structure)
2 - as printopt = 1, but without rows separation (full dump)
by default printopt = 0
DBCC TRACEON (3604) DBCC tab (pubs, 'authors')
DBCC undo
DBCC undo( dbid, pageno, rowno )
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